What will the screen industry look like in 2030 and will a creative screen career pay the rent?
In this episode of Screen 2030: Extended Interviews by MetroScreen on YouTube, Mike Jones (Writer and Creative Producer of Screen, Page and Interactive and Head of Story Development at Portal Entertainment) responds to the big question: What will the screen industry look like in 2030 and will a creative screen career pay the rent?
“We talk a lot about what’s new, what changing and then you hear a lot of rhetoric that feels a lot about baby out with the bath water, there’s a lot of all the rules don’t apply, everything’s different, you have to forget all these things you know . . . when you look at that evolution from oral history to the stage to the radio to the television to the cinema screen to the megaplex to the interactive online age, is what’s consistent, not what’s different, look for the things that remain. . . .