Terry Wilson is a 7th degree black belt in Shintoyoshin-Ryu Jujitsu and a 5th degree black belt in Shorin-Ryu karate. He is also a five time Emmy Award winning television producer, director, writer and on camera host/reporter.
Terry is the only person ever to receive an Emmy for producing a martial art special – “Karate Kung Fu & Arts of Self Defense – 1976. He was also the first to direct Full Contact Karate and Kickboxing for network television broadcasts on CBS, NBC. He was also director of syndicated programming for the World Karate Association.

In front of the camera Terry Wilson was the host of numerous syndicated shows and television specials in addition to working as Bureau Chief and Anchor for Cable News in Saipan and Correspondent in Micronesia for CNN.
In addition to being a contributing writer for many of the world’s leading martial arts publications, Terry also writes for numerous mainstream magazines. In the process he was voted, “Best Feature Writer” by the San Diego Press Club in addition to receiving similar honors from the Society of Professional Journalists. Inside Kung Fu magazine named Terry “Writer of the Year 2005.”
Life’s Too Short . . . and So Am I , by Terry Wilson book is out on Kindle. This book is funnier than heck, and takes you along for the ride on Terry’s very adventurous life. You will experience the real-life travels and tribulations of Terry Wilson as he validates Murphy’s Law around the world. Yes, whatever can go wrong, will go wrong, and Terry’s misadventures are always hilarious. Terry’s book may read like fiction, but its all true, and Terry’s got the pictures to prove it. Get the Kindle version of Life’s Too Short . . . and So Am I on Amazon.com today!