Philip Daay is a writer who works on Movies, Television Shows, Games, Books, Articles and Graphic Novels. He is the writer for Black Salt the Movie Short.
Philip Daay learned screenwriting at USC from the late Malvin Wald, the Oscar nominated writer of the noir classic The Naked City. Born to immigrants, his mother from Thailand and his father from Iraq, Philip’s first break came with the production of his film Left in Darkness by legendary writer/producer Stephen J. Cannell. He currently lives in the beautiful city of Austin, Texas with his lovely wife and spiritual Life Coach Flavia Daay.
Philip authored the Sci-Fi/Action graphic novel Scionic in collaboration with Sean O’Reilly and Arcana Comics, the largest publisher of comics in Canada. He also wrote an not yet produced horror project for Eduardo Sanchez and Gregg Hale at Haxan Films; creators of the cult hit The Blair Witch Project. Later, producer Robert Kandle and Oscar-nominated producer David Levy commissioned a Sci-Fi/Horror project based on the writings of H.P Lovecraft. In recent years, he concluded a Romance/Comedy assignment still in development for director Todd Cantelon of Trillenium Media Group up in Canada. Philip’s upcoming projects include Black Salt, an Action/Martial Arts/Thriller adapted from the comic series Black Salt: The Last Heroes Left.
Along with pursuing creative passions, Philip earns his bread and butter as a freelance writer, content editor and story analyst. He’s volunteered as script judge for the Austin Film Festival for 4 years. In the publishing field, he possesses over 110 published credits (books) as an Editor for Netcomics, the American division of Ecomix, the largest publisher of graphic novels in South Korea. In addition, international film distributors Summerland Entertainment and IFDC, Inc. contract with him to cover scripts and analyze film projects. In the previous year, the South Korean government enlisted Philip’s help to create a 150+ page pitch book, marketing nationally popular stories to Hollywood.
Philip strives to include three crucial elements in every story. Stories should escalate into an emotional catharsis (happy or sad) in the end. They should contain loads of suspense (keeping the audience guessing). And most importantly, stories should explore some aspect of what it means to be human; not overtly or obviously, but layered deep into the Hero’s tale. He applies this discipline and passion to every story and in every genre.
- FALLEN EAGLE, Screenwriter, Director Ilyas Kaduji, Fallen Eagle LTD., Producer Malcolm Winter
- ABDUCT, Screenwriter, Starring Mhairi Calvey, Director Ilyas Kaduji, Abduct LTD., Sunset Studios, Producers Malcolm Winter, Cristina Cimino, Ryan Cimino, Emma Biggins
- BLACK SALT, Screenwriter, Starring Michael Jai White, Ratti Entertainment, Producers Owen Ratliff, Aries Carmona
- BLACK SALT / Short Film, Screenwriter, Starring Michelle Lee, James Lew, Arnold Chon, Umar Khun Director – Ben Ramsey, Ratti Entertainment, Producers Owen Ratliff , Aries Carmona
- SCIONIC, Writer, Arcana Comics, Sean O’Reilly, Published: March 2012
Video Music: “Bodies” by Drowning Pool
- LEFT IN DARKNESS, Screenwriter, Starring Monica Keena, David Anders, Director Stephen R. Monroe, Producer CannellVision, Stephen J. Cannell
- ONE SUNDAY MORNING, Trillenium Media Group, Todd Cantelon
- H.P. Lovecraft Adaptation, HD Pictures & Post, Robert Kandle
- DESPAIR’UL (3/’08 – 9/’08), Matt Compton
- DESPAIR’UL (9/’06 – 9/’07), White Ape/Haxan, Eduardo Sanchez, Gregg Hale
- 3rd Place, PROJECT: ELYSIUM, PAGE Awards Bronze Prize, 2005
- Semi-Finalist, Nicholl Fellowships, PROJECT: ELYSIUM, 2004
- Top 10 Finalist, American Screenwriting Contest, PROJECT: ELYSIUM, 2004
- Top 10 Finalist, American Screenwriting Contest, SHY’NISTRA, 2003
- Top 10 Finalist, New Century Writing Awards, SHY’NISTRA, 2000
- 0-6 Zero-Six (Vol. 2-5)
- 100% Perfect Girl (Vol. 4-11)
- The Adventures of Young Det (Vol. 1-3)
- Birdie (Vol. 1)
- Black-Winged Love
- Boy Princess (Vol. 1-9)
- cm0 (Vol. 1)
- Do Whatever You Want (Vol. 1-3)
- Emperor’s Castle (Vol. 1-4)
- Flower Garden (Vol. 1)
- Honey Senior, Darling Junior (Vol. 1-2)
- Hotel California
- Human Club (Vol. 1-2)
- In the Starlight (Vol. 1-3)
- Kingdom of the Winds (Vol. 1-3)
- Land of Silver Rain (Vol. 1, 4-7)
- Let Dai (Vol. 1-15)
- Lethe
- Love Full of Scars
- Madtown Hospital (Vol. 4)
- Maria the Convenient Store Girl (Vol. 1)
- Manhwa World History
- Merry Family Plan
- Not So Bad (Vol. 1-2)
- Opera House (Vol 1, 3)
- Operation: Liberate Men (Vol. 1-4)
- Pine Kiss (Vol. 4-6)
- Roureville (Vol. 1-2)
- Talking About (Vol. 1)
- The Great Catsby (Vol. 6)
- There’s Something About Sunyool (Vol. 1)
- Totally Captivated (Vol. 1-6)
- U Don’t Know Me (Vol. 1)
- Words I Want to Say to You (Vol. 1-3)
- Your Lover (Vol. 1-3)