The Los Angeles Fight Academy (LAFA) is a collection of highly skilled and trained actors, fighters, choreographers, stunt men and weapons consultants who have been producing theatrical combat, training and fight sequencing for the industry for a combined total of over 40 years. LAFA is a not for profit organization established to provide effective training and theatrical combat for the mediums of stage and screen.
Collaborations with the History Channel, Sony Pictures, MTV, Universal Studios, Motion Capture, HBO, the SAFD, Warriors Inc, Constantine Pictures, LA Opera and numerous other theatrical, TV and film companies across the globe, LAFA offers an extensive range of products and services to the industry.
LAFA offers:
- Sword Fighting
- Fight Choreography
- Stunt Work
- SAFD Stunt Tests
- Stunt Coordination
- Historical Weapon
- Consulting
- Action Film Fighting
- Firearms
- Physical
- Conditioning
- Military
- Open Workouts
- Private Training