Contribute Articles
You can contribute articles to Martial Arts and Action Entertainment, brought to you by Martial Arts Enterprises, the company that brings you some of the largest, most visited martial arts websites on the web today including USAdojo.com and FightCon.com. Our scope is international. We welcome original articles, interviews, reviews, biographies of notable martial artists working in the entertainment industry and information on what’s happening in the industry. We welcome submissions about martial arts in entertainment from anywhere in the world as long as the information is true, well written and in English. We ask that submissions that have been posted elsewhere not use the exact content and if the articles are edited by our staff, the edited version of the articles cannot be posted or used anywhere else once they are edited and posted on MartialArtsEntertainment.com.
Martial Arts and Action Entertainment is an internet publication and we do not have submission date restrictions. You can submit articles at any time as long as they are relevant. New articles will be released as quickly as possible.
Columns require at least 4 submissions a year, 1 column every 3 months. We also accept bi-monthly and monthly columns. If you would like a regular column please submit a synopsis to info (at) martialartsenterprises (dot) com. Use can use the contact form below if you have questions.
The preferred submission method for articles, photos, and artwork is by email us using the address info (at) martialartsenterprises (dot) com. Use can use the contact form below if you have questions.
We do not accept handwritten or typewritten articles, so please submit articles in one of the following formats:
- Microsoft Word (.doc)
- Rich Text Format (.rtf)
- Plain Text (.txt)
You can submit along with the above, a completed article with photos in place as a PDF file if it is web ready and needs no editing. PDFs will be linked from the text article, but we want all our articles as text for search engine optimization. Please send photos, images and artwork separately as attachments to your email, even if they are also embedded in your article. Please be sure to mark the placement of photos in your article if they are not embedded for placement. We do not accept submissions in obscure word processing formats if they cannot be opened with common word processing programs. Save your documents as Rich Text Format (.rtf), and attach any photos and artwork to the email even if they are embed in the document itself.
Artwork and Photos may be submitted in the following formats:
- JPEG (.jpeg or .jpg)
- GIF (.gif )
Photos for inclusion with articles should be scanned in color whenever possible at a minimum resolution of 300 DPI (dots per inch). Every article on this website has a Featured Image that is 1600×550 pixels and another photo that is 740×400 pixels. We can create the Featured Image from a group of photos you submit or from one photo that can be cropped and sized correctly. The Featured Image can be replaced with an appropriate video from Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Facebook or Twitter. If you wish us to use a video, please give us the link to the video.
We reserve the right to resize artwork to meet our requirements. Please submit a caption for every photo you use in your article. Logos and artwork may be submitted in the following formats:
- PNG (.png)
- GIF (.gif)
- JPEG (.jpeg / .jpg)
We do not compensate writers for articles, but we do support our writers by promoting them with biographies and photos, links to personal websites, as well as links to social networking pages. We offer reporting credentials to cover industry events for those who meet a high standard of reporting.
Please submit the following information with your articles whenever possible:
- Author’s biography and author’s photo (seen at the bottom of your articles)
- Appropriate Logo(s)
- Links to websites related to your submission including your personal website and your social networking pages.
- List of Keywords to use to promote your article in search engines
Martial Arts Entertainment reserves the right to reject any submitted articles, photos or artwork that do not meet our submission guidelines or fit in with our content. We also reserve the right to edit content where necessary and by submitting to Martial Arts Entertainment you are acknowledging and agreeing to our terms.
To begin the process so you can contribute articles please fill in the form below and submit it and we will contact you.