Bruce Lee: The Curse of the Dragon is a 1993 documentary film about martial artist, Bruce Lee. The film includes interviews from some of his fellow students and those who played his opponents in different movies. The film is directed by Tom Kuhn and Fred Weintraub and it was written by Davis Miller who wrote the books My Dinner with Ali and The Tao of Bruce Lee.
Bruce Lee: The Curse of the Dragon contains interviews with many well known martial artists and accomplished athletes as well as family of Bruce Lee.
- Chuck Norris, who trained with Lee and starred in Way of the Dragon as Lee’s final opponent.
- Dan Inosanto, a student of Bruce Lee who appeared in Game of Death as an opponent of Lee.
- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, a professional basketball player and student of Lee who also appeared in Game of Death as an opponent.
- Robert Wall, a student of Chuck Norris who became friends with Lee after meeting him at a Kung-Fu demonstration in San Francisco.
- Robert Baker, who starred as Lee’s final opponent in Fist of FuryBaker was a student of Lee’s.
- Taky Kimura, a student of Lee who was slated to play the second floor guardian in Game of Death. The scene was never shot.
- Brandon Lee, the son of Lee, who would die only a year later while filming The Crow.
- Linda Lee Cadwell, the wife of Bruce Lee.
DVD’s of Bruce Lee: The Curse of the Dragon were released with A Warrior’s Journey as a bonus disc after its release. A Warrior’s Journey may also be found as a bonus disc on the 2004 special edition of Enter the Dragon.
Bruce Lee: A Warrior’s Journey was released in 2000 and it contains lost footage of Lee’s Game of Death film.