Director: Ernie Barbarash
Stars: Scott Adkins, Andy On, Truong Ngoc Anh, Lily Ji, Aki Aleong, Daniel Whyte, Mike Leeder, Brahim Achabbakhe
Fight Choreographer: Tim Man
Assistant Fight Choreographer: Brahim Achabbakhe
Stunt Coordinator China: Tiger Huang
We have heard whispers of the upcoming Scott Adkins and Andy On film entitled Abduction (2018), otherwise known as Twilight Zodiac. We do not have a plot yet, but IMDb has given us a few photos so we know there is a missing child involved in the story.
Ernie Barbarash is directing Abduction (2018) and as you recall, Ernie also directed Scott Adkins in Assassination Games (2011) with Jean-Claude Van Damme.
Tim Man of Accident Man (2018), Triple Threat (2017) and On-Bak 2 (2008) will head the action team with Brahim Achabbakhe assisting.
Producers of the film include Mike Leeder and Henry Luk.
We’ll keep you posted as we get more news.